Get Your Life Back - The One Minute Pause

We weren’t made to live at the relentless pace of our modern world. What we assume is a normal lifestyle is actually insanity to our hearts and souls. So how do we combat the relentless pace of the world and get our lives back? In this video teaching, John Eldredge encourages us to begin learning how to simply “be” with God through the practice of the One Minute Pause.

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Facing the Storms of Life - an Interview with Ian and Katrina Merton

What happens when the storms of life come? Ian and Katrina Merton share their story of having their home flooded and its far-reaching impact on their family. As a result of the loss and upheaval, they’ve gained a fresh understanding of God’s ability to bring restoration. Their story is full of wisdom and hope for anyone who is facing the storms of life.

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Walking With God Into The Summer

Summer tends to be a time when you have cultural permission to live at a slower pace of life — which is a great opportunity to receive the restoration our souls so desperately need. But for many of us, summer can slip by in a frenzy of activity and leave us more exhausted and depleted. But what if we asked God what He has for us this summer? What if we allowed Him to challenge our assumptions and agreements so that we can experience the restoration only He can give?

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